You’re a busy woman and time is of essence! The “Elixir for the Leader” Program may sound appealing to you; but you can’t wait while you work on the stages of the program to resolve your’re pressing concerns.
You’re wanting an intensive day of provocative engagement, that challenges your belief systems, ignites a transformational awareness to address whatever is keeping you up at night. You accept that you need support, and guidance on a life transition about to occur, or has already occurred in the past 3 or 6 months. You feel stuck; not moving forward and when you do it seems you take 3 steps backwards for every step you take forward. You’re ready to be coached, consider new perspectives, strategies, and practices to open new pathways to where you want to arrive to. You have a burning desire to kick these issues to the curb!
A VIP DAY is for you if your life is looking like this...
Sweet Praisefrom Romona Myles a successful Buisness Coach & CEO of Life Along the Nile Tours & Magazine. An amazing conscious-led leader who contributes to the business expansion of her clients.
Well, it seems it’s hitting the fan right about now. As if it weren’t enough everything is being impacted in major ways due to the world’s circumstances. Now you may be facing challenges at the home front. Take your pick, financial issues, health issues of your partner, child, or elderly parents, relationship issues; including not having a relationship at all. Can’t sleep, you may be overindulging and are freaked out you’re about to go to that place of no return. Making choices not conducive to your goals, no passion, no purpose. Maybe you’re stricken with grief, shame, or guilt about having dropped the ball with family. You didn’t make it to a recital, a game or your parent was alone and ill. I guess by now you got the picture.
So who do you turn to?Who can you trust with such personal, intimate information? You don’t feel you need a psychotherapist. So your best shot is a coach; someone who has been a leader too, supervised staff, reported to board members, put out fires daily, managed damage control personally, and diverted landing on the front page of the news due to an irate dissatisfied client. Bottom line is you’re trying to make sure everyone is taken care of and satisfied. But; is anyone ever really satisfied with all we do? Juggling all the balls and trying to stay healthy and attractive too! WOW! I’m exhausted just writing about all this!
Good news no matter what the case believe me there is a solution to every challenge. Sometimes all it takes is a second pair of eyes and ears an executive coach without any attachment to the results. To provide that accountability partner, that sounding board, non-judgmental and totally confidential, cheerleader, and somewhat of a mirror to reflect with compassion.
Anyway if you resonate with this picture I just painted and are determined to tackle this once and for all.
Reach out for a 30min complimentary “Elixir for the Leader” Session.
These are some other circumstances that
ignite our clients to take action.
Here are some of the nuggets you will gain!
A sense of Conscious Leadership and the necessary Self-Awareness to address and manage the challenge we work on: You will learn to construct a personal profile pinpointing your strengths as a leader, as well as a woman, and areas for improvement. Masculine and feminine ways of thinking and communicating are explored, as well as ways of bridging the gap between them.
Women and the Double Bind of Leadership: The “double bind” for women in leadership roles explores how many women who express strong, confident leadership are often seen as competent but not likable. Conversely, women using a softer managerial style can be considered likable but not competent. We will examine the conscious and unconscious bias impacting the perceptions of female leaders. Participants learn to self-advocate for quicker advancement through their organization. The program also examines how to recognize and overcome the effects of impostor syndrome.
Effective Communication for Women: Effective communication is critical to effective leadership in life and work. This aspect rests on the idea that communication across genders often equates to cross-cultural communication. Many times, this leads to miscommunication despite our best efforts. On this VIP DAY, you will identify and rehearse strategies that reinforce personal credibility, build trust, and create executive and feminine presence. Harmonizing both.
Negotiation for Women: This service defies the common myth that women are less likely to engage in negotiation than men. Research shows that when trained in the art of negotiation and self-advocacy, both women and men are equally willing and adept at successful negotiation. Clients plan and implement professional and personal negotiations.
The Quantum Alchemy VIP DAY Includes...
Our Services are as successful as the client commits to be fully present, makes a genuine effort to see themselves as they trully are.
Authentic engagement, an openness of mind/spirit. The genuine interest to expand beyond discomfort, and any sense of unworthiness or other lower vibrational expressions of the self…
Here are the Juicy Details of Your VIP DAY
Book a 30min complimentary
"Elixir for the Leader" Session.
Click Below!