The “Elixir for the Leader” Programs are designed to help you “innererstand” and master these challenges and more. In addition, you begin to unveil your own spirituality and rise in consciousness to meet the needs of your organization, and life with a whole different set of tools to get the job done. Increase your performance and the quality of your life. A broad range of confidentiality, expertise, compassion, accountability partnership, guides you to inform an in-depth self-assessment, hands-on personal exercises, and interactive online discussions.
In general terms, based on your individualized “Elixir for the Leader” Plan you will gain:
Leadership and Self-Awareness: You will learn to construct a personal profile pinpointing your strengths as leaders and areas for improvement. Masculine and feminine ways of thinking and communicating are explored, as well as ways of bridging the gap between them. A solid foundation for effective leadership is self-awareness. Establishing best practices for self-awareness and self-regulation rounds out your perceptions and belief systems to contribute to your growth and wellbeing.
Women and the Double Bind of Leadership: The “double bind” for women in leadership roles explores how many women who express strong, confident leadership are often seen as competent but not likable. Conversely, women using a softer managerial style can be considered likable but not competent. We will examine the conscious and unconscious bias impacting the perceptions of female leaders. Participants learn to self-advocate for quicker advancement through their organization. The program also examines how to recognize and overcome the effects of impostor syndrome.
Effective Communication for Women: Effective communication is critical to effective leadership in life and work. This program rests on the idea that communication across genders often equates to cross-cultural communication. Many times, this leads to miscommunication despite our best efforts. In this program, you will identify and rehearse strategies that reinforce personal credibility, build trust, and create executive and feminine presence. Balancing both.
Negotiation for Women: This program defies the common myth that women are less likely to engage in negotiation than men. Research shows that when trained in the art of negotiation and self-advocacy, both women and men are equally willing and adept at successful negotiation. Clients plan and implement professional and personal negotiations.