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Stepping Outside of the Box: Five Steps to Center Your Emotional Well-Being

Although we may live in an age of incredible information dissemination and instant gratification thanks to technology, with the rampant spreading of communication and articles, people are feeling more and more exposed to fake news, lies, and mistrust among other individuals. In a report by CNBC, it was found that more than 70% of Americans are worried about fake news and sources of information. At the same time, these same people are subtly falling into traps of mind control that goes on social media every single day, through echo chambers and fortification of our own personal (and sometimes unsubstantiated) beliefs.

Thankfully, through centering your emotional grounding and awareness, there are elements of superior thinking that can refocus our minds. We can move into neutral zones of free thought that helps us stay out of the societal box. Only when we move out of this box can we see a situation for what it really is, working to address living and social challenges for the better.

If you wish to liberate yourself from robotic thinking, here are five ways to make it happen:

  1. Self-Love: Before you can love others, communities, and people, you need to love yourself. In a study reported by the New York Times, self-love proved to reduce the development of depression and anxiety, while making individuals more optimistic, less stressed, and overall more confident in their own thoughts and ideas. Self-love lays the groundwork for original and unadulterated thought.
  2. Forgiveness: Centering our minds to be forgiving and merciful is the next step in creating tranquil emotional well-being. No one is perfect. We need to be non-judgmental and receptive to new ideas and perspectives, safeguarding humility along the way.
  3. Compassion: As part of forgiveness, we need to display compassion to those who need it. Everyone needs compassion at some point in their lives, which is why if we are able to give it, we need to. If there was a little more compassion exhibited daily, the world would be a better place to live. Important to note that as with self-love both forgiveness and compassion is something to practice with oneself.  Avoiding falling into bouts of shame and guilt which can be detrimental to mental health and self-acceptance.  Another topic to write about; but that must not be excluded from mentioning here.
  4. Personal Power: Next, we need to take time to invest in ourselves. Self-mastery is not egotism or narcissism; self-mastery is developing a confidence that powers us throughout the day. It is rising above victimhood and grabbing the life we want to live.
  5. Integration: Now that you love yourself, are compassionate towards others, and emphasize non-judgment, it is time to integrate into society with a balance and harmony that is unique to you. Create a balance with people and the environment that will change your community.

Breaking Out of the Box

Understanding that we all have needs and desires unique to ourselves, as well as free will, and choices every single day, is critically important to breaking out of the box. How much free will is too much free will? We all feel connected to a higher power, whether it is God, the Universe, or Allah. Our separateness can interfere in our ability to extend empathy and emotional intelligence when it is needed the most. But we can still live our humanity with honorability and oneness with others – and with whatever you identify as a higher source. While we do it, it is important to outline love, compassion, forgiveness, respect, and self-love.

At ECI we’re passionate about teaching and coaching Women for readiness in critical times of transition in life and work. Creating a frequency of leadership needed at this time and space. Express your Guts with Grace! Learn to Lead Like a Woman!

Evelyn Cosme MA, MS/Leadership Strategist/Executive Women’s Coach/Speaker/Trainer/Author/Spiritual Healing Advisor

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