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Leadership in Times of Crisis: 5 Steps for Managing Today’s Tumultuous Times

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It’s no secret that our world is undergoing a global crisis today, with refugees increasing exponentially in number, natural disasters ravaging communities and coastlines, and sexual assault and aggression being unearthed at an alarming rate. Specifically looking at the workplace, companies are struggling to keep their cool amid sexual misconduct, changing company cultures, and new workplace demands being set forth by the millennial generation.

All of the changing dynamics lead most company leadership teams to wonder how they are going to survive.

The good news is: transformational leadership is able to adapt to new and changing crises, essentially working against the development of a toxic workplace full-time.

Here are 5 steps to maintain company leadership despite today’s tumultuous times:

  1. Remain Rational: During stressful times, leaders can feel the pressure to let their emotions get the best of them, caught up in the crisis-created hysteria that is plaguing the company. Instead of succumbing to your innate reaction, take a moment to realize that you have the rational power to fix the problem and replace it with a fool-proof solution for the future. Become adept at exercising self-control, and remain calm until all options and potential solutions have been considered and vetted.
  2. Positivity: Our world could use some positivity today. Social media plasters negativity, slandering, and cyberbullying in our face’s every single day. Whether your employees are engaging in digital attacks, or racist and sexist things have been exchanged under your watch, it’s important to meet the negativity head-on with positivity. Through positivity, you’ll promote sustained productivity. Through productivity, a sense of normalcy will remain despite the crisis.
  3. Open Communication: Today more than ever, there needs to be an open channel of communication between employees and those in leadership positions. We are witnessing too many individuals coming forth with terrible sexual harassment stories that were swept under the rug for years. Making your leadership more transparent will encourage employees to approach you regarding problems, therefore thwarting the development of full-blown crises in the future.
  4. Expectations: A good leader who practices transformational leadership always communicates their expectations in a clear and precise manner. Your employees need to know if a certain crisis is going to last for months. Lying to them and telling them it will all be over tomorrow doesn’t help with workplace morale, undermining their motivation to come into work the next day. Some crises can’t be solved overnight; that’s ok.
  5. Social Responsibility: One of the best ways to combat a world increasingly characterized by fraud, harassment, and deceit is to promote social responsibility among your workplace. Giving back is something that organizations owe to people and the public, curating a Corporate Social Responsibility that will actually improve your bottom line. Encourage employees to volunteer and actively participate in social responsibility, giving them a greater sense of self for in the future.

Sustainable Leadership for the Present and the Future

Our world is in desperate need of rational, supportive, and open leaders that believe in giving back and lifting everyone up. In order to avoid creating a toxic work environment, manage your leadership style in the face of crisis today.

If you’re needing a sounding board, someone to serve as an accountability partner, some coaching or training to “get ready to be ready” for these times.

At ECI we’re passionate about teaching and coaching Women for readiness in critical times of transition in life and work. Creating a frequency of leadership needed at this time and space. Express your Guts with Grace! Learn to Lead Like a Woman!

Written By: Evelyn Cosme MA, MS/Leadership Strategist/Executive Women’s Coach/Speaker/Trainer/Author/Spiritual Healing Advisor

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